Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Bacopa (Scrofulariaceae)

Bacopa (Scrofulariaceae)

These hardy plants, with their paired oval leaves, can be made to flower in an aquarium, but taking cuttings is the best way to propagate. They prefer water that is neutral or slightly acid and not too hard, and are best planted in groups, with small spaces between their stems.

Bacopa caroliniana

The hardy water hyssop tolerates temperatures as low as 20°C, but will not stand those above 24-25°C. Size: 30 cm.

Bacopa caroliniana

Bacopa monnieri

There is more space between the leaves than in the above species. The snowflake hyssop grows quite slowly and is very easy to keep but it requires good lighting. Size: 30 cm.

Bacopa monnieri

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ЕРУСАЛИМСКИЙ Аркадий Самсонович (1901-65) , российский историк, доктор исторических наук, профессор. Основные труды по внешней политике Германии. Государственная премия СССР (1950).