Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



The Barclaya genus contains only three species, all native to South-East Asia. Although the relationship is not immediately apparent, the barclayas are closely related to water lilies and are included in the same family.

Barclaya longifolia

The only species found in the aquarium trade, Barclaya longifolia, demands strong lighting - otherwise its leaves will remain small - and a neutral or slightly acid, barely mineralized water. Growth can slow down during the wintering period, but new leaves appear afterwards. It is difficult to make it reproduce by cutting the rhizome, and so it is best to wait for young leaves to sprout. This plant needs to be kept on its own to highlight its distinctive coloring. Size: 40 cm.

Barclaya longifolia

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"ЛАСАРИЛЬО С ТОРМЕСА" (полное название - "Жизнь Ласарильо с Тормеса , его невзгоды и злоключения"), испанская повесть. Издана анонимно в 1554. Посвящена судьбе мальчика, ставшего плутом в жестокой борьбе с нищетой. Одно из наиболее ярких сочинений литературы Возрождения; положила начало плутовскому роману.