Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



These ferns live either wholly or partially submerged. One species is particularly popular among aquarists.

Bolbitis heudelotii

The species from this genus most often found on the market, is a true fern and its rhizome must never be buried as it naturally attaches itself to a support (such as a rock, root, or artificial decor). This attachment can be temporarily encouraged by tying the rhizome with nylon line, or wedging it between small stones. It grows slowly and requires normal lighting, water of a moderate density, and a pH of around 7. It can be made to reproduce by cutting off the rhizome when new shoots appear. Size: 20-30 cm.

Bolbitis heudelotii

Ceratopteris cornuta

This floating fern makes an ideal shelter for new-born fry, or a support for the bubble nests of the Belontiid family. It grows quickly under strong lighting: when it takes root - which it does with ease - its coloring turns paler and its leaves change shape.

Ceratopteris thalictroides

The Sumatran fern prefers to be rooted, but it can also survive floating, though its leaves grow thicker. It is a fast-growing, hardy species. Size: 50-60 cm.

Ceratopteris thalictroides

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