Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



The vallisnerias are often confused with the sagittarias. Like them, they reproduce through runners, need plenty of light, water that is not too hard, and a slightly acid pH.

Vallisneria asiatica

The eel grass is found in several varieties. Its leaves are spiraled. It can exceed 40 cm in height, which makes it ideal for decorating the sides or rear of an aquarium. Size: 40-50 cm.

Vallisneria spiralis

The term spiralis refers to the floral peduncle and not the leaves. The spiraled eel grass is very popular in aquariums and reproduces actively under good conditions. Size: 40-50 cm.

Vallisneria spiralis

Vallisneria gigantea

Its leaves, which can grow to 1 m in length and 3 cm in width, rest on the surface of the water. The giant vallisneria prefers intense lighting and a slightly enriched soil. It is obviously only suitable for large aquariums. Size: 1 m.

Vallisneria gigantea

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ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ ГОДЫ , установлены в католической церкви папой Бонифацием VIII в 1300 как столетние юбилеи церкви. Паломникам, посетившим Рим в юбилейные годы, отпускаются грехи. Не раз папство сокращало сроки между юбилейными годами.