Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



The plants in this genus, native to tropical regions, are either terrestrial or paludal. One of the latter types can adjust to tropical aquariums, although it grows very slowly.

Lobelia cardinalis

This amphibious plant can resist temperatures of 10-20°C in moderately hard, approximately neutral water. The cardinal flower is appropriate for temperate or tropical aquariums, though it requires intense light in a tropical tank. It multiplies by means of cuttings. Size: 30 cm.

Lobelia cardinalis

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МАГАДАНСКИЙ ЗАПОВЕДНИК , в Российской Федерации, на юге Магаданской обл. Основан в 1982. Площадь 883 800 га. 5 участков. Птичьи базары и лежбища ластоногих. Нерестилища рыб и гнездовья водоплавающих птиц.