Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



This genus includes both submerged and floating paludal plants. They are rarely found in aquariums, but are suitable for garden ponds.

Eichhornia azurea

When the azure water hyacinth is submerged, its fine leaves are round at the tips. It needs soft water and good lighting. It can be reproduced by means of cuttings. Size: 40 cm.

Eichhornia azurea

Eichhornia crassipes

This magnificent floating water hyacinth, ideal for garden ponds, has also been successfully introduced into many tropical areas to purify the water, as it gobbles up nitrates. However, in large bodies of water it grows so profusely that it has caused problems for boats, although there are plans to alleviate this by producing methane from water hyacinths through fermentation. Size: 10 cm.

Eichhornia crassipes

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