Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



The vegetative reproduction of these plants can be achieved by taking cuttings or dividing the rhizome. They live in marshy areas and so are often only partially submerged.

Saururus cernuus

Leiden's plant can acclimatize to an aquarium: it is not fussy about water quality, but it does need plenty of light. This paludal plant is hardy and grows slowly; it is possible to take cuttings from the stems. Size: 40-50 cm.

Saururus cernuus

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ХУРИБГА , фосфоритовое месторождение в Марокко. Эксплуатируется с 1921. Осадочного происхождения. 480 км2. Разведанные запасы 17,5 млрд. т со средним содержанием Р2О5 ок. 30%, ок 60% всей добычи в стране. Центр добычи - г. Хурибга.