Mediterranean algae
Some species native to the Mediterranean coasts can acclimatize themselves to
tropical aquariums. If you remove them from their natural setting, it is advisable
to take not only the alga but also part of its support, usually a rock.
Codium bursa (Codiaceae)
The felt ball codium forms a sphere with a diameter that can exceed 25 cm. It
grows very slowly and the biggest specimens unfurl. This species likes strong light.
Codium vermilara (Codiaceae)
Its felt-like appearance and bottle-green color are the distinguishing features
of the felt codium. This species prefers well-lit areas. Size: 20 cm.
Halimeda tuna (Udoteaceae)
The Halimeda likes a murky environment and grows more quickly when the temperature
is high, provided this does not exceed 25-26°C. Size: 1-10 cm.
Udotea petiolata (Udoteaceae)
Like the above, the udotea prefers poorly lit settings and grows on sand or rocks.
Size: 3-20 cm.
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