Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Tetraodon palembangensis or T. biocellatus

Tetraodon palembangensis or T. biocellatus

Several related species are marketed under the general name of Tetraodon; T. palembangensis is known as the figure-eight puffer. When threatened, all species can inflate their bodies with air and water to intimidate the enemy; they have teeth, and can feed on mollusks and crustaceans. Tetraodon reticulatus (reticulated puffer) is aggressive and frequents distinctly saline waters. It accepts live prey or meat-based foods; it is not known to breed in captivity. Size: 8-10 cm.

Tetraodon palembangensis or T. biocellatus


<< Tetraodon fluviatilis Thayeria boehlkei >>

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ОЛБАНИ (Albany) , город на северо-востоке США, административный центр шт. Нью-Йорк. 78 тыс. жителей (1990). Порт на р. Гудзон у начала канала Эри, доступный для морских судов. Машиностроение и металлообработка, полиграфическая, швейная промышленность. Университет.