Aquarium guide
Scatophagus argus |
Scatophagus argus
Adults of the spotted scat can survive in fresh water, but are much less active
than in salt conditions. This is a gregarious fish which requires vegetable supplements.
The species 5. rubifrons (tiger scat) is probably only a variety of 5. argus. Scats
are much more prone to disease if kept in fresh water, and thrive best in brackish
or saltwater aquariums. Appears not to have been bred successfully by hobbyists;
in any case, only reproduces in brackish water. Size: 20-25 cm.
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ШЕЕЛИТ , минерал группы вольфраматов, CaWO4. Примеси МоО3 (в молибдошеелите до 24%). Белые, серые кристаллы, зернистые агрегаты. Твердость 4,5-5; плотность 6,1 г/см3. Встречается в скарнах, гидротермальных жилах и др. Руда вольфрама.