Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Etroplus maculatus

Etroplus maculatus

The orange chromide also likes hard, brackish waters with abundant vegetation. A tranquil species which spawns quite prolifically, with the female laying 300 eggs on a suitable support. The newly hatched fry are then carried to a hollow dug out of the sand. There is also an all-gold variety of this species. Size: 8-10 cm.

Etroplus maculatus

<< Epiplatys annulatus Etroplus suratensis >>

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ЧАСОВ ЯР , город (с 1938) на Украине, Донецкая обл. Железнодорожная станция. 19,8 тыс. жителей (1989). Добыча огнеупорных глин; производство огнеупорных изделий.