Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



Marine invertebrates are sometimes more difficult to keep in an aquarium: on the one hand, they are very sensitive to the quality of the water, which must be as faultless as possible, and, on the other, feeding them is complicated, particularly in the case of sponges, Coelenterates, anemones, and corals. It is also important to consider the compatibility of invertebrates, not only with each other but also with fish — as invertebrates are the favorite meal of some fish!

For all these reasons, the best option is a specialist tank, which will provide a spectacle just as fascinating as that of a fish aquarium, although those fish which can cohabit with invertebrates represent a logical complement to this type of aquarium. The invertebrates which are most robust and easiest to acclimatize can reproduce in captivity (especially some species of anemones), but success in this area requires a solid background in marine aquariums on the part of the hobbyist.

Nevertheless, some marine aquarists hesitate to cross the threshold from fish to invertebrates, on the grounds both of cost and risk. However, these days there is a craze for this type of aquarium, but you must not get carried away: it is not feasible to reconstitute a coral reef, although it is possible to achieve satisfying results, both in terms of ecological equilibrium and an engrossing spectacle.

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ГАЗОНАПОЛНЕННЫЕ ПЛАСТИКИ , пластмассы, вспененные при помощи порообразователей или другими способами (наполнитель таких материалов - газ). Условно делятся на пенопласты и поропласты (первые содержат преимущественно замкнутые, вторые - сообщающиеся поры); особый вид газонаполненных пластиков - синтактические пены. Отличаются малой плотностью, тепло-, звуко- и электроизоляционными свойствами. Применяются для заполнения многослойных конструкций, теплоизоляции холодильных установок, электроизоляции кабелей, изготовления плавучих средств, в качестве фильтров для газов и жидкостей, амортизационного материала (напр., в производстве мебели). Наиболее широко используются газонаполненные пластики на о