Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



The origin of a disease can be outside the aquarium

  • the introduction of a fish stressed by importation, or by the living conditions at a retail store; it can fall sick and contaminate other fish;
  • the introduction of a healthy carrier or diseased fish;
  • the introduction of polluted water from a natural source;
  • the accidental introduction of various harmful substances, such as cigarette smoke and aerosol fumes.

Obviously, every precaution must be taken to avoid such accidents on the part of the aquarist.

The origin of a disease can be inside the aquarium

This is generally due to a disruption of the general balance, leading to the development of the diseases latent in a healthy carrier:

  • reduction in temperature or thermal shocks, i.e. abrupt variations - whether increases or decreases - brought about by a disorder in the heating system;
  • reduction in the oxygen levels;
  • excess of nitrogenous matter, due to a filter malfunction or too many fish;
  • the general quality of the water;
  • an injury sustained in the course of a fight or an overexcited mating ritual, or from collisions with or scrapes against the decor;
  • underfeeding or a poorly balanced diet.

Scatophagus argus, in a poor condition, with damaged fins

Scatophagus argus, in a poor condition, with damaged fins.

The Hospital Aquarium

A small tank of glued glass is used, containing only the equipment necessary for treatment. Therefore, there are no plants, bed, or decor, except in the case of naturally shy fish, which can be furnished with a shelter made of an artificial material like PVC. Normal filtration is not required; the most that is needed is a small internal filter containing only Perlon cotton. On the other hand, there must be substantial aeration, as this influences the oxygen levels. The temperature should be raised to 27-28°C.

Ideally, the hospital aquarium should be in a quiet spot with little light, in order to enhance the healing process. It is also possible to cover the glass sides.

After it has been used, both the aquarium and its contents must be disinfected, using 4 ml of bleach for every 100 liters of water, followed by stirring of the water over a period of 24 hours and then several successive rinses.

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ЭБРО (Ebro) , река на северо-востоке Испании. 928 км, площадь бассейна 86,8 тыс. км2. Начало в Кантабрийских горах, впадает в Средиземное м. Средний расход воды 560 м3/с. Используется для орошения; гидроэлектростанции (главным образом на притоке Эбро - р. Сегре). Судоходна до г. Сарагоса.