Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



Density is measured with a hydrometer, whose buoyancy increases as the water gets saltier. In the aquarium trade, most hydrometers also include a thermometer. The specific gravity at water level must be read with care; in fact, it is preferable to use the hydrometer outside the aquarium, as the movement of the water makes it difficult to read. In this case, decant the water into a test tube or a transparent container (a PVC bottle, for example) and float the hydrometer in it. When it stops moving, read the value corresponding to the level of the water (1.023 in the diagram below, and not 1.022). To check whether your hydrometer is working properly, just measure the density of a distilled or very soft water: it must equal 1.000.

The hydrometer, an indispensable tool in marine aquariums

The hydrometer, an indispensable tool in marine aquariums.

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ПАМПАНГАНЫ , народ на Филиппинах (центральная и юго-западная части о. Лусон). 2 млн. человек (1992). Язык индонезийской ветви. Верующие в основном католики.