Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



These shrimps are found in many tropical regions in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, sometimes in brackish water. They are bottom-dwellers that feed on leftover food - both natural and artificial - and fish, and so their ecological role is quite substantial. These shrimps from the Atya genus (particularly Atya moluccensis, native to South-East Asia) are only occasionally found in the aquarium trade. They like lively, well-oxygenated water and are sociable, and so can be kept in small groups. Size: 6-7 cm.


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ИМИТАЦИЯ (от лат . imitatio - подражание), 1) подражание кому-либо или чему-либо, воспроизведение; подделка...2) В многоголосной музыке точное или видоизмененное повторение в каком-либо голосе мелодии, перед этим прозвучавшей в другом голосе. На имитации основываются многие полифонические формы, в т. ч. канон и фуга.