Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Zebrasoma veliferum

Zebrasoma veliferum

When the sailfin tang is in motion, this beautiful swimmer tucks its fins along its body, although it does open them to "impress" other members of the same species and to chase them off its territory (the yellow tang does the same). Size: 30 cm.

Zebrasoma veliferum

<< Zebra so ma flavescens

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ВЕНГЕРСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК , основана в 1825, реорганизована в АН Венгрии в 1949, с 1989 АН Венгерской Республики. Находится в Будапеште. В 1991 - св. 180 академиков, ок. 100 член-корреспондентов, св. 160 почетных членов, ок. 40 НИИ и центров.