Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Hippocampus kuda

Hippocampus kuda

The yellow seahorse is, as its name suggests, usually yellow, but its coloring gets darker in poor environmental conditions. It stays in a vertical position, with its tail serving to cling on to the decor (which must be free of Coelenterates). In captivity, it feeds on brine shrimps or other small, live prey. Reproduction may be possible in captivity: the male incubates the eggs in its ventral pocket. Size: 15 cm.

Hippocampus kuda

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КИРОВГРАД (до 1935 Калата) , город (с 1932) в Российской Федерации, Свердловская обл. Железнодорожная станция (Ежевая). 25,4 тыс. жителей (1992). Медеплавильный комбинат; заводы: электротехнический и др. Назван по имени С. М. Кирова.