Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Chelmon rostratus

Chelmon rostratus

The elongation of the "beak" of the copperband butterfly fish (more pronounced than that of the Chaetodon genus) has evolved to enable it to pick out food from crevices in the coral. This robust species swims slowly, except when it is alarmed. It feeds on small, live prey, notably crustaceans. Size: 17 cm.

Chelmon rostratus

<< Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Coris angulata >>

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УЛЬОА-И-ПЕРЕЙРА (Ulloa y Pereira) Луис де (1584-1674) , испанский писатель. Придворный. Автор любовной поэмы "Рахиль" (1650), духовных стихов. Как прозаик известен своими "Семейными и литературными воспоминаниями".