Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Tropheus moorii

Tropheus moorii

The moorii seeks out rocky zones with clear water and a supply of algae, and so requires supplements of vegetable material in captivity. The males will fight for territory. The female incubates the eggs in her mouth; as they are larger than those of other species, she can only hold a small number, around 20 at most. The coloration of juveniles differs from that of adult fish, which, in any case, varies - as does the exact shape - according to their original habitat. Size: 12 cm.

Tropheus moorii

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МИКРОКЛИН , породообразующий минерал группы щелочных полевых шпатов K[AlSi3O8]. Низкотемпературная форма калиевого полевого шпата. Розовый, буровато-желтый и др., иногда зеленый (амазонит). Твердость 6; плотность ок. 2,6 г/см3. По происхождению магматический. Сырье для стекольной и керамической промышленности.