Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Thorichthys meeki

Thorichthys meeki

To intimidate other fish, T. meeki enlarges its opercles (gill-covers), deploying its brilliant red throat membrane, which has earned it the common name of firemouth cichlid. Despite its small size, it is actually quite belligerent. The dorsal and anal fins of the male are more pointed. The female lays up to 1,000 eggs, which hatch in 48 hours; the fry are free-swimming 4 days later. Size: 10-15 cm.

Thorichthys meeki

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ВЛАДИСЛАВ II (Vladislav II) Ягеллон (1456-1516) , король Чехии (с 1471), Венгрии (с 1490). Сын Казимира IV. Закрепил (1500) привилегии чешского дворянства за счет прав городов.