Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Periophthalmus sp.

Periophthalmus sp.

The genus Periopthalmus contains some very bizarre fish which can leave the water and move around using their pectoral fins. They are found in all the world's tropical regions, except America, living in the sandy areas of estuaries. Caring for them in captivity requires an aquaterrarium rather than a simple aquarium; they need a bank of sand, with a gentle slope allowing them to emerge from the water, which should not exceed 15 cm or so in depth. Captive breeding is very rare. The two species most commonly available commercially are P. barbarus (blotched mudskipper) and P. papilio (butterfly mudskipper). Size: 10-12 cm.

Periophthalmus sp.

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БОГОРОДИЦКИЙ Василий Алексеевич (1857-1941) , языковед, член-корреспондент АН СССР (1925; член-корреспондент Петербургской АН с 1915, член-корреспондент РАН с 1917). Представитель казанской лингвистической школы. Труды по общему языкознанию, фонетике, сравнительно-исторической грамматике индоевропейских языков, русского языка, тюркскому языкознанию. Создал первую в России экспериментальную фонетическую лабораторию.