Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Melanochromis auratus

Melanochromis auratus

The Malawi golden cichlid is the most belligerent of all Mbuna species, especially in the case of the dominant male. The female deposits her eggs in an out-of-sight nest while the male keeps guard; he is recognizable by two dark horizontal stripes on a light background, a patterning reversed in the female. Size: 8 cm.

Melanochromis auratus

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ЛИЕПА Марис-Рудольф Эдуардович (1936-89) , российский артист балета, народный артист СССР (1976). В 1960-84 в Большом театре. Среди партий - Красс ("Спартак" А. И. Хачатуряна). Ленинская премия (1970).