Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Labeo bicolor

Labeo bicolor

The red-tailed black shark, rather nocturnal in its habits, obtains its food by sifting the bed of its natural habitat. In captivity, it needs extra vegetable material. By day it lurks in various hiding places (rocks, roots, etc.) which form an essential part of the aquarium furnishings. Size: 10-15 cm.

Labeo bicolor

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ЛАНГАНС Мартин Рудольфович (1852-83) , революционный народник. Участник кружка "чайковцев" и "хождения в народ", с 1880 член Исполкома "Народной. воли". В 1882 приговорен к вечной каторге. Умер в Петропавловской крепости.