Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Brachydanio frankei

Brachydanio frankei

This species, which resembles a tiny trout, appears not to exist in the wild, possibly deriving from isolated laboratory stock. The fish currently sold commercially originate from localized breeding centers in South-East Asia. The leopard danio, as it is commonly known, lives in shoals near the surface and acclimatizes easily. A veil form exists, with markedly elongated fins. Size: 5-6 cm.

Brachydanio frankei

<< Brachydanio albolineatus Brachygobius xanthozona (Gobiidae) >>

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© 2007-2024
АКСЕНОВ Владимир Викторович (р . 1935), российский космонавт, летчик-космонавт СССР (1976), дважды Герой Советского Союза (1976, 1980). Полеты на "Союзе-22" (сентябрь 1976), "Союзе Т-2" и орбитальной станции "Салют-6" (июнь 1980).